Carved into the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, this simple wisdom still rings true today because –

the depth and range of your potential is connected to knowing your ‘meaning’ success metrics and acting on them.

I work with C-suite executives, senior leaders, and entrepreneurs to re-envision achievement, discover their ‘meaning metrics’ and create space in their life to honor and connect back to what really matters.

Who has more stake in your life than you?

Whether you are a “first,” the first in your family to go to college, earn six or seven figures, or launch a startup or creative venture, or you grew up in a family culture that prized achievement, you’ve likely discovered that with each success, your life satisfaction and connection to others is trending downward.

Now, while on paper, it looks like you’ve achieved a lot (because you have!), it’s hard not to feel like achievement has been hollow because as you’ve worked harder, you’ve also worked meaning, connection, (and wellbeing!) to the sidelines of your life. 

I understand this struggle because I’ve experienced it first hand, and despite all of my accomplishments, I reached a point where my achievements felt hollow and I felt squished by my own life and the choices I continued to make.  

And as a mindful leadership coach and educator, I know that so many leaders who are also high achievers or “first to’s” eventually reach this discontented place where they need to find new meaning metrics and reconnect back to what matters. And it’s the kind of thing where they can’t go at it alone – because what got them into this messy situation isn’t the same thing that will release them and get them out.

Make ‘meaning and connection’ the driver of your key decisions

“Your success meaning metrics are what you’re making possible for yourself and others”

About Dr. Sandy Stack

Dr. Sandy Stack is a transformational coach and educator,  who works with C-suite executives, senior leaders, and entrepreneurs to find their ‘meaning’ metric and re-envision what achievement looks like so they can live more fully and lead into their potential.

With a PhD in education and over 20 years in executive leadership positions in for-profit and nonprofit organizations, Sandy brings a unique, creative, multi-disciplinary approach that shows her clients how to deepen connection to themselves and others, transfer their insights into more aligned meaningful goals and behavior to enable their success, improve their wellbeing, and life satisfaction.